If you want to make sure your WebPort page looks great, no matter where your viewers are accessing from, you can set up connections to customize the experience.
For example, if you have a TV in an entrance hall, you can use a connection to make sure the page is shown in full-screen mode, without any menus.
You can also configure your connection to automatically log in a viewing-user and make sure they see the current control system as their start page. No matter what you need, connections can help you customize the WebPort page for a great viewing experience.
By default, there are two connections that cannot be removed:
Connection: | Description: |
Default | The Default Connection used if no one other match is made |
Localhost | Connection coming from the local computer |
The following adjustable parameters can be made for a connection:
Parameter: | Description: |
IP | IP address for the connection (" * " (Wildcard) on last part of IP supported) |
Name | Connection Name |
Allow Connection | Indicates if connections for this location are allowed |
Allow PIN code | Indicates whether PIN login is allowed from this connection |
Allow access ticket | Indicates whether login is possible via access ticket |
Allow create access ticket | Indicates whether it is allowed to create access tickets via the connection |
Full Screen | Indicates whether menus should be hidden and the page displayed in full screen mode |
Zoom | Indicates whether pages can be zoomed |
Scale | Indicates whether pages should be scaled to fit screen resolution. Parameter for Max scale is found under System settings/Server/Graphical settings |
Embed PDF | Indicates whether to embed PDF files as HTML5 |
Attach Sidebar | Indicates whether the sidebar should be attached to the left or displayed as "drop-down" |
Allow scripting calls | Indicates whether script calls can be made externally from this connection |
Allow printing | Indicates whether printing should be possible from this connection |
Automatic login | Indicates whether a user should be logged in automatically |
Two-factor authentication | Indicates whether two-factor authentication is required for login |
If you want to increase security and only allow connections from certain approved IP addresses, the option Allow connection for the default connection can be unchecked. Connections must then be created for each IP address to be allowed access to Web Port. The security can also be increased by choosing two-factor authentication. For e-mail, settings must be configured under System settings/Server/Email settings, and that the users have an added e-mail address. The same is true for SMS settings and phone number.
When Embed PDF is selected, no PDF reader is needed. This can be good for reducing the number of installations on, for example, a panel PC.
Access ticket:
Access tickets can be used to offer Single-Sign-On solutions from 3rd party applications. By giving an external web server the opportunity to create time-limited access tickets, logging in can take place without the user having to know any user name or password. This is done through a call according to: http://webportaddress/access/createtheaccessticket?username=user
Where the web port address is replaced with the address used to connect to the Web Port server and users are replaced with the user to be logged in.
It is also possible to submit with following parameters:
&URL=address | Where address is replaced with an address where Web Port can be reached |
&valid=time | Where time is replaced by how long a ticket is valid (ex 10 for 10 seconds) |
To then connect with the access ticket, call:
http://webportaddress/access/login?ticket = the result from the createaccesssticket.
If you selected the full screen on all connections, you will not reach System Settings to turn off the full screen. However, the settings for connections are accessed via
Two Factor Authentication: TOTP
To enable TOTP(Time-based One-Time Password) on your connection you choose it under "Two Factor Authentication" on your connection.
If TOTP is set on the connection and the user does not have it setup it will be required to set it up when they login:
After they input their credentials they will need to set it up on Authenticator App like Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, Authyand similar apps where they can scan the QR code to get TOTP keys generated. In case they don’t have camera on the device they will need to type in the manual code to the app. So once added it to their app of choice the app will start generating keys that are valid for 30seconds. And in this setup step they need to enter the code from the app to confirm it:
Once confirmed they will need to enter their full credentials again:
And then confirm with the auth code from the app to sign in.
In case a user loses access to their device with auth app, admin can reset their Auth app registration in webport and it will require to set it up again.
When switching user if it has TOTP set it will require the auth code as well:
There is also TFA when signing to a Node with Portal user. And there is a new setting to handle multiple scenarios:
Default – will ask for TFA confirmation if it is setup on Portal
Disabled – will not ask for TFA confirmation
RequireTFA – if TFA is not setup on a user/connection it will not allow portal user to login
In Defaultand RequireTFA if TOTP is setup it will require TOTP code wen signing with Portal user to the Node.
There is also an error message if users fail to enter TOTP code correctly multile times saying to check if servers time is correct. Because on local webport installations it could be that their machine is not syncing with the correct time and the TOTP keys will not work if it is out of sync:
Multi-screen support
Multiple screens can be configured on connections by clicking Add display.The function adds the possibility to show dynamic content e.g. trend on a separate screen when clicking on the symbol, or always showing the alarm list.
The following configurable parameters can be set for a display:
Parameter: | Description: |
Name | Name used to call a display via url or grid |
Primary URL | Dynamic URL or fixed URL loaded on screen |
Backup URL | Secondary URL if primary URL of dynamic type is not available |
Fullscreen | Specifies whether display will be shown in fullscreen or with menus |
Show page info | Show header/footer (fullscreen only) |
Pin sidemenu | Indicates whether the main menu should be visible |
Information name:
The name of the display is optional but has some requirements if grid is to be used
Specific displays are called with url: /main/display/NAME
If displays are named in the following way standard configurations can be used for multiple displays in a grid.
1x1 corresponds to display on row 1 column 1
1x2 corresponds to display on row 1 column 2
2x1 corresponds to display on row 2 column 1
Up to 3x3.
Grid is activated by clicking the menu on the top right (circle with three dots), view mode and wanted setup.
Grid can also be created by calling: /main/grid/COLUMNSxROWS
Information URL:
External url is formatted http://adress
Url in Web Port is formatted to start with /, e.g. /alarm/main?type=active
There are two dynamic urls that can be used:
dynamic_trend , which shows predefined trend for a sensor if it is selected on a different display.
dynamic_doc , which shows connected documentation for page shown on different display.
Creating connection
To create a new connection, navigate to the SYSTEM SETTINGS/ACCESS/CONNECTIONS and select NEW CONNECTION. In the dialog that opens, fill in the details of the connection and then select SAVE.
Edit connections
To edit a connection, navigate to SYSTEM SETTINGS/ACCESS/CONNECTIONS. Click on the desired connection in the list and edit the settings in the dialog that opens. Then click SAVE to update.
You can copy a connection by clicking on it and then select the "Copy connection" - button.
Delete connections
To delete a connection, navigate to SYSTEM SETTINGS/ACCESS/CONNECTIONS. Click on the desired connection in the list and then tap DELETE in the dialog that opens.