Page collections provide users with the possibility to create their own favorite pages. It can consist of single pages or entire folder structures. The limit is that the user needs access to the pages and folders that are added to the collection.
Page collections can for example be useful for quickly reaching system that the user works with often.
User specific collections must be activated in SYSTEM SETTINGS/ SERVER/Addons (see Add-ons) in order to be used.
Create page collection
To create a new collection, go to Page collection in the menu. Click Add. Enter a name and optionally a description for your collection and click SAVE. This object collection will only be available for the user who has created it.
To rename a page collection, first navigate to the collection and then click EDIT COLLECTION. Make the desired changes and then click SAVE.
Add pages or folders
To add a page or folder, first navigate to the object in the menu. Then click on the footer and select ADD TO… Then select the desired object collection from the list and SAVE.
Remove pages or folders from page collection
To delete an object in a collection, first go to the collection and then click on the object in the list. In the dialogue that opens, select the pages or folders to remove from the collection and click REMOVE.
Click the navigation arrow next to the collection name in the menu tree to open the collection.
Remove page collection
To remove an object collection, first navigate to the collection. Then select REMOVE COLLECTION, confirm to complete.