If you have multiple services from Kiona you can now use Seamless navigation to connect pages from different solutions. In combination with Kiona Identity and Single Sign-on you can also seamlessly move between the solutions with the same login, if you have the right access. The links are setup by users themselves.
To access Seamless navigation, look for the icon in the top right menu. Note that the feature is not accessible from all pages.
Video tutorial
Add new link
To add a new link, click the Seamless navigation icon and select Add link. This will open a new menu where you can input a Name for the link as well as the Target page (URL). To get the URL open the corresponding solution and navigate to the page you want to link. Copy the URL from the browser and past it into the field for Target page. Now press Save and the link should be displayed the next time you click the Seamless Navigation icon. Links are grouped into our different product lines.
Edit existing link
To edit an existing link first find it through the Seamless navigation menu and press the Pen icon. This will open the edit menu where you can change both the Name of the link as well as the Target page (URL). When done press Save or cancel to exit without saving.
Remove link
If a link is no longer relevant you can remove it by navigating to the Edit menu. On that menu press the Delete button and confirm your action to complete the removal.