To edit tag lists, select the list you'd like to work with in the SYSTEM SETTINGS/TAGS area. You'll be presented with some information about the list, and at the bottom of the box you'll either have the option to edit or view, depending on the editability of the list. You can also access the list directly by clicking the icon to the left of the table.
When the tag list is opened for editing or viewing, a table with all the tags in the list is presented. The list's columns show the following:
Setting | Description |
Name |
Tag name defined by prefix and suffix (see NOTE box below) |
IO-device | Indicates the IO-device to which the tag is attached |
Address | Technical address (varies by communication protocol) |
Data type | Data type read from the IO-device |
Raw-min | Minimum value read from IO-device (used for scaling). Format also needs to be defined for scaling to work. |
Raw-max | Largest value read from IO-device (used for scaling). Format also needs to be defined for scaling to work. |
Eng-min | Minimum allowed value in Web Port (used for scaling and limiting input). Format also needs to be defined for scaling to work. |
Eng-max | Maximum allowed value in Web Port (used for scaling and limiting input). Format also needs to be defined for scaling to work. |
Unit | Indicates unit for the tag (example: °C, Pa, %) |
Format | Indicates the formatting in Web Port, for example the number of decimals. |
Description | Tag description, used in dialogs, alarm texts etc. (NOTE! Important) |
Type | Indicates with an icon if the tag is an alarm and if it is stored for trend |
Status | Displays the status of the tag, for example, if values cannot be read due to errors. |
Value | The value of the tag. Click to highlight and enable automatic updating. |
The list can be filtered on one or more columns by clicking the Filter button above the list.
In order to avoid unexpected behaviors it is recommended that tag names only contain letters, numbers and underscores. Non-english letters should be avoided.
The tag names cannot be longer than 54 characters when using MySQL database, while 120 characters is allowed when using MSSQL or SQLite (the default database).
Edit tag
To edit a tag click on the desired row in the table and a dialog opens with the option to adjust the settings for the tag. After desired modifications, click SAVE to update the tag. The tag list state changes to Unsaved modifications, and must now be saved for the changes to be written to the csv file. A save button also pops up automatically in the top menu.
If the Type icons are shown for a tag these can be clicked for more information.
If the alarm clock is clicked more information about the alarm is shown and the latest alarm entries.
If the trend icon is clicked you will navigate away from the tag list to the trend graph for the tag.
If you want to open the trend graph in a new browser tab it is possible to do this by holding the Ctrl-key down while clicking on the trend icon. While Ctrl is being pressed and the mouse cursor hovers the icon the cursor will change to indicate that the trend is going to be opened in another window.
Whithout Ctrl pressed: With Ctrl pressed:
When opening a tag list in Web Port, the latest read value for each tag is shown. No new read operation will be done automatically. For reading new values, either click the respective value for a single tag or activate Update values from the toolbar menu, which will update all the green marked values every second.
A parenthesis around a tag value means that the timestamp of the latest read value is older than 10 minutes, and also older than double the Read-cache for the device which the tag is connected to.
Web Port uses a database for intermediate storage of tags which means that changes are not lost if Web Port is restarted without the tag list being saved to file.
To delete a tag, click the desired row in the table and select DELETE in the dialog that opens.
Tag address
The address varies depending on the communication protocol and is shown in the documentation for the respective Web Port driver.
The address can be supplemented with a Boolean comparison to convert a measurement value to 1 or 0 depending on whether the condition is met. To do this, the address ends with >, <,> =, <=, <>, = and then a comparative value.
Address example 1: The address 40001 = 0 for a Modbus device gives the result 1 when register 40001 = 0 and 0 when the register 40001 = 1.
The address can be supplemented with a "." and a number to read out specific bits from the value.
Address example 2: The address 40001.1 for a Modbus device produces the result of the second bit from the left in the value. For an INT with bit value 0000 0000 0000 0010, the result obtained is 1.
For some drivers characters like =,> are normal address characters. In those instances, there is support for adding criteria within {} to decrease the risk of problems. {} also provides the possibility to use call scripts to process the data.
Address example 3: 40001{script#Add(data=DEFAULT,toadd=2} The value from the modbus address 40001 is read and sent to the script named Add as the parameter data, and also the parameter toadd is included with the value of 2.
The script named Add contains the following code:
return data + toadd;
This makes the value of the tag the value of the register added by 2.
Apart from DEFAULT, which is the read value from the address, there is also the possibility to use PREFIX, which fetches the prefix of the tag. If the full tag name is VS01_GT11_PV, the prefix is VS01_GT11.
It is also possible to run code directly from the address for simple operations by using code#.
You can use DEFAULT value for code# just like you do for script# in the address-field.
Address example 4: 40001{code#tags['LB01_GT11_PV'].Value+tags['LB01_GT12_PV'].Value} This address example will add the current values of two tags to the current tag.
It is possible to check the communication status for individual tags by adding {!Qx} to the address, where x is the number of minutes since the raw value was last updated. The tag value will be 1 if the communication is ok (or the raw value has been updated within x minutes), and 0 otherwise.
Address example 5:
40001{!Q} sets tag value 1 if the communication status of the tag’s device is ok.
40001{!Q0} sets tag value 1 if the communication status is ok and the tag could be read in the latest attempt from the device, i.e. within the Read-cache of the device.
40001{!Q5} sets tag value 1 if the communication status is ok and the value has been read in the last 5 minutes.
Raw-Min/Max - Eng-Min/Max
These values can be used for scaling input data and for limiting user input of settings values. For scaling, all settings are used and most easily described by the example below.
Example 1:
Raw-min = 0, Raw-max = 1000, Eng-min = 0, Eng-max = 100 gives a result input data / 10.
Example 2:
Raw-min = 4, Raw-max = 20, Eng-min = 0, Eng-max = 100 gives a result between 0 and 100. 0 when input data = 4 and 100 then input = 20.
To limit input in settings boxes, the Eng-min and Eng-max are used. If the user sets a too large or too small value, a warning will appear and the limits will be displayed.
Here is how the value is presented in Web Port, for example the number of decimals or if the value is to be displayed as time or date.
More about how the formatting is done can be read here:
The format 0.0 gives one decimal and 0.00 gives two decimal places.
Alarm options
The dialog for a tag contains settings for alarms. The choices that can be made are described below.
Setting | Description |
Alarm tag | (Checkbox) Indicates whether the tag is an alarm tag. |
Criteria | Indicates criteria for when the alarm is active. For example, alarm when tag=1. |
Priority | Indicates the priority of the alarm, for example 1,2,3 or A, B. C. |
Delay | Potential delay of the alarm in seconds. |
Area | Text to divide alarms into categories, such as area name. |
Auto acknowledge | Acknowledges the alarm automatically. |
Acknowledge | Potential action on acknowledgment. |
Acknowledge type | Default or Two way. Default forces a write operation to the acknowledge tag, while two way also reads the tag and acknowledges the alarm in Web Port if the criteria in Acknowledge is fulfilled. |
Reset | Indicates if reset button should be shown and what should happen if clicked. Also see Information box below |
Address | Alternate address for alarm status. |
Choose PDF | Choose and link a pdf file to the alarm. Link to pdf will be shown on the alarm in the alarmlist when alarm is active. |
Page | Page to which one can navigate from the alarm list. If the alarm tag is connected to an object on a page it will appear as a link even if this field is empty. |
Use the acknowledgment expression to influence another tag when the alarm is acknowledged. For example, restore a blocking function. The expression used is TAG NAME=VALUE. There is also support for _SUFFIX=VALUE, e.g. _ACK=1. It will set the tag with the suffix _ACK and the same prefix as the corresponding alarm tag to 1. If an acknowledge expression is set and acknowledge type is Two way, the tag will also be read in the common alarm cycle to reflect if the alarm is acknowledged in the device.
Use the expression reset to affect another tag when the reset button is clicked. For example, restore a blocking function. The expression used is TAG NAME = VALUE. If the expression is entered, an additional reset button is displayed on the alarm in the alarm list. Similar to Acknowledge, reset also has support for _SUFFIX=VALUE to affect a tag with the same prefix as the alarm tag.
If no alarm settings are set on the tag, it is based on the default setting indicated by the naming convention. This categorizes the alarm according to the global alarm settings (see chapter "Alarms->Basic Settings") and is activated by the suffix defined as alarm (see chapter "Symbol library").
Trend options
In the dialog for a tag, there are settings for trend. The choices that can be made are described below.
Setting | Description |
Trend tag | (Checkbox) Indicates whether the tag should be trended. |
Interval | Trend interval in seconds. |
Type | Indicates whether the trend should be made periodically or when changing. |
Address | Alternative address for trend tag (can be relevant when using external handling of trend). |
Enable trend save in valid range | (Checkbox) If checked, trends will only be saved to database if the value is in the range of what is set in EngMin and EngMax. |
When the trend type is CHANGE, the trend occurs with the interval indicated but also when the tag changes. This is well suited for digital signals.
If no trend settings are set on the tag, it is based on the default setting indicated by the naming convention. This logs the tag according to the global trend settings (see chapter "Trend settings") and is activated by the suffix defined as trend (see chapter "Symbol library").