Under Server status, information about the current status of the Web Port server is shown.
To verify that server is up, you can navigate to: serverurl:port/server/ping .
You will get a blank page thats says "Pong" if server is up.
The following information is available:
System message
Information: | Description: |
Message | Message to display on the login page |
Start/Stop show | Time period for the message to be displayed |
Server status
Information: | Description: |
Version | Web Port Server Version |
Connected clients | Number of Connected Clients |
Free storage | Free space on the hard drive where Web Port data folder is located |
Number of ongoing queries | Number of simultaneous queries from nodes and clients |
Information: | Description: |
Total number of tags | Number of tags added |
Total number of alarm tags | Number of alarm tags |
Total number of trend tags | Number of trend tags |
Local pages | Number of local pages |
Node pages | Number of pages from nodes |
Information: | Description: |
ALARM latest cycle | Latest cycle for alarm control |
TREND latest cycle | Latest cycle for trend control |
SCHEDULE latest cycle | Latest cycle for schedule evaluation |
SCRIPT latest cycle | Latest cycle for running scripts |
WATCHDOG latest cycle | Latest cycle for watchdog write operations |
TASK latest cycle | Latest cycle for task control, e.g. backup or reports |
If any of the time stamps for Threads are not current and not updated when the Server Status dialog box is opened repeatedly, something is probably wrong.
Check error logs in both Web Port and Windows for continued troubleshooting.